Friday, August 15, 2014

Baby Download 45% Complete

Today is eighteen weeks of pregnancy for me.

The baby is roughly the size of a sweet potato, about 5.5 inches long. Hair is growing, reproductive organs are developing, and the baby can now yawn, hiccup, suck, and swallow. Squirmy seems to move most at night before I go to bed and sometimes in the morning. The movement is subtle enough yet that if I'm not paying attention, I may not notice -- but it is unmistakable when I am lying on my side reading my scriptures.

In other news, I have officially become a psycho. It's actually a bit frightening. In the past week I have done as much crying as when I am clinically depressed. And the mood swings... holy buckets, the mood swings. I'll be laughing at something on Pinterest one moment and five minutes later I'll be crying.

My poor husband seems to be at a loss and I feel horrible for him. This is where the whole "unconditional love" part of marriage needs to kick in full blast if he's going to continue to live in the same house as me. Until then, here I am pinning articles on how to manage pregnancy mood swings because I don't think he's going to put up with me for very long before he resents my complete instability. I'm already starting to resent it, and I can't exactly leave the house to get away from myself.

On a lighter note, I have two ongoing, unpublished blog entries that I will post near the end of my pregnancy. One is a list of the foods I have craved throughout this pregnancy, and the other -- started today -- is a list of the dumbest reasons I have cried during this pregnancy. Both lists are growing steadily and I'm sure will be quite long by the time January rolls around.

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