Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Pity Party, Just for Today

I am bummed.

I am bummed that I spent three days out of town at an expensive resort and have returned unsatisfied and unfulfilled because my husband was either not feeling well or too tired to do anything fun. I'm bummed that that was my only chance to get away and try to relax before the baby comes. I am bummed that for most of my birthday I was crying, exhausted, and miserable. I am bummed to be back in my dirty house again. I am bummed that school is starting up and I don't like the work I am returning to. I am bummed that I look fat, not pregnant, and I am bummed that I have to go back to working two jobs and Saturdays again next week.

Call me ungrateful, but today I am just feeling really low. Maybe it's pregnancy hormones that are making it impossible for me to feel positive today.


  1. You are beautiful, sweet, smart, funny, and a godly example. You're going to be a fabulous mom, and you're going to be awesome at whatever job you work until baby arrives. Everyone, (especially pregnant gals!) deserve a chance to just feel down in the dumps and have a pity party. You're not ungrateful, sweetie--you're human. : ) And you will bounce back because Christ in your heart won't let you stay down too awfully long!!
