Friday, November 14, 2014

Baby Download 78% Complete

Squirmy is comparable to a pineapple in size, weighs close to four pounds, and enjoys being sideways, meaning I get to watch the sides of my belly under my ribs move around quite a bit. It also means I get to rub my aching ribs and explain to people who ask what's wrong that it's just kicks.

The weeks left until my due date are in the single digits.

I am continuing to exercise regularly. Baby things are rolling in via friends, family, and Amazon. A great friend from church came and helped me just about finish clearing out the back room (the first half of this work was done only thanks to my fantastic visiting teachers a few weeks ago). This help is invaluable to me; there are some tasks that are just so overwhelming I can't get them done myself!

Having the back room cleaned out will make it much easier for my husband and another friend of ours take my old desk out of there and into the basement. There is another bigger, heavier piece of furniture I really want out of there in addition to that; we'll see if I can convince them to move it! Oh, the things I would do myself if I could...

Hubby has been such a sport and has attended with me classes on newborn care and breastfeeding, as well as the first of two birthing classes. Next week will be the final birthing class and after that it will be just more preparing and counting down to Squirmy's anticipated arrival into the cold world of Iowa in January.

I am cranking out seasonal table cloths on my grandmother's sewing machine, which my mother so generously paid to have shipped out here. I have two more table cloths to do-- then it's onto baby things! I have fabric for two Boppy cases, some fabric for a nursing cover, and a few other things I'm interested in trying my hand at like a nursing top and crib sheets. :)

Tell me this isn't adorable fabric for a Boppy. I might go get more for a nice flannel crib sheet...

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