Saturday, December 27, 2014

Baby Download 92% Complete

Squirmy is now the size of a winter melon... whatever that may be! 6+ pounds now and focusing primarily on lung and brain development, although technically I'm term now and if I went into labor right this minute, my OB wouldn't try to keep me pregnant! I still don't see my body ejecting this kid before my due date (January 16), though.

At my most recent OB appointment, which took place on Christmas Eve, everything looked good -- blood pressure was great, belly is measuring to the day, Squirmy's heart rate was right where it should be (once they find it, anyway... Squirmy tends to be very wiggly during my appointments). The one change was that Squirmy was FINALLY head down! Of course, last night I could definitely feel a head under one side of my ribcage and a butt under the other side, so we'll see if this baby is breech or not next week. If there is any doubt, an ultrasound will be performed, which I wouldn't mind because of my worry that the butt and the head tend to feel rather similar.

I am enjoying having my husband home for the last couple of weeks of the year because of his leftover PTO. He has been doing things like assembling car seat bases and the stroller, as well as devoutly studying the baby book that I'm most of the way through myself. Our next two goals are to officially organize the baby's room and other stuff, and to clean our room which has become quite the pit. Seriously, I should post before pictures so the rest of you feel not-so-bad about your own messy rooms.

There is a co-sleeper bed, which is pretty much the piece of baby gear I wanted most aside from the car seat/stroller combo, in a box out in the living room. We will need to get that set up too so we can put it by the bed. If that's not motivation to clean our room, I don't know what is!

I am continuing to work out and will probably switch to mostly cardio, partially because the increasing pelvic pain I've had is making Pilates more difficult, but mainly because cardio seems to be the best antidote for the painful swelling in my hands and fingers, which has started this week. I should take before and after pictures of my fingers; before I work out I can't even put on my grandmother's ring, which is probably a size ten! Afterwards I can usually put my wedding ring back on, and that is a size 7.5. Not sure if I just sweat it out, or what, but that seems to work more efficiently than just lemon water and watching my sodium intake.

Sleeping is hard; I may spend the last two or three weeks of my pregnancy sleeping in the recliner. Both of my arms fall asleep if I sleep on my side, and my hips tend to hurt from lying on my side as well. I have a LOT of pelvic discomfort, from my hips to my groin, and this actually makes trying to move my legs up and down (e.g. putting on pants. yikes) or from side to side (e.g. every time I roll over in bed and use my legs to do it instead of my abs) a pretty painful experience (hence why I am laying off the Pilates). The elliptical is fine, however, and I usually feel more limber after that. After my cardio workouts I have been doing a yoga squat until my feet just can't handle it anymore, as well as cat/cow stretches which help ease my back out of that squatting position.

Sadly I don't think my workouts as of late will do much to deter the effects my chocolate consumption. It's the holidays, I guess, but on the other hand I'm not eating a whole lot because there's not a lot of room for food in my stomach. Maybe it will all balance out. ;)

No bump pic today, but I am getting my hair cut on Tuesday and will probably have hubby take a picture of me then when I don't feel so shaggy. I do have some baby furniture pics, though.

This is the beautiful crib that was gifted to us by some lovely people in our ward. You know who you are! Thank you! (Pardon the grocery bag and the baby book on the floor.)

This is the changing dresser we ordered with the help of a generous gift card from a friend. You also know who you are; thank you!

I would like to thank everyone and anyone who has been following my pregnancy journey. It means a great deal that you take the time to read or even just scan my entries.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Baby Download [nearly] 90% Complete

It's been a little longer than usual since I did an update. Before I post this I will try to get my husband to take a bump picture so I can add it to the post.

Though not for much longer, Squirmy is the size of a coconut... a dancing coconut. It's weird that I can feel movement not only in my belly, but in my waist and almost in my back. My abdomen frequently does the wave and takes on odd, not-so-round shapes as Squirmy adjusts and sticks his/her butt in my kidney. It struck me that if I had the baby today, I would have a pretty close to normal size baby -- not just a teensy, almost- or barely-third-trimester preemie, but a baby that would probably do pretty fine without much assistance from NICU. We are down to the wire!

Baby Prep

We are also getting closer to being "ready" for this baby! My hospital bag is mostly packed, and I have actually started a bag for my husband as well (mostly snacks, water, some OTC meds, and a travel pillow). Just need to get some baby things into Squirmy's bag at this point. I finally washed all the baby clothes, towels, etc and those can be organized. The changing dresser is fully assembled and the top drawer is completely organized with cloth diapers (with a package of disposables to start with).

Our wonderful home teachers helped hubby assemble the crib, which was very generously donated to us from another family in our ward. The stain of the crib matches the dresser perfectly, which is kind of nice. There will be more pictures of the furniture when it's not surrounded by piles and piles of baby stuff.

My truly lovely visiting teachers have been checking in on me and even prepared me several frozen meals. I have a spectacular ward family that has my back, and I am incredibly blessed for that.

My husband very meticulously went over the car seat installation manual and insisted that I read it as well. We have two bases for each of our cars, which should make life pretty convenient for both of us.

We are so broke from buying baby things. And it's not like we've been spending money on creating an elaborate nursery, either -- we've been pretty darn practical! No wipe warmers, baby-themed wall art, or video monitors for us. I've gotten a lot of things second hand for cheap or free (CRIB, pack 'n play, maternity clothes, Baby Bjorn, baby bath, baby bouncer, baby swing, baby socks, cloth diapers, and more). Other things, such as the dresser, we have had help with thanks to generous gift cards and cash. A cozy family shower provided us with some other things like adorable clothes, diaper wipes, and toys. Additionally, I'm sewing other things myself because I know certain things such as crib sheets, Boppy cases, breast pads, swaddle blankets and sleep sacks will just be cheaper that way (and I confess that I rather enjoy sewing). In the near future I will dedicate a blog post to the things I've made for Squirmy and include links to videos and blog tutorials that I couldn't have completed the projects without.

Not only have I been sewing baby things; I have also sewn some practical but fun Christmas gifts for family instead of going out and spending money, which my husband has asked me to try very hard not to do. This seems to make my husband appreciate the time I spend at the sewing machine a little more; while we don't have extra cash for presents, it's very important to him that we give nice presents to his family. So... yay me!

Well, since you asked...

Perhaps this is a rude thing to do, but since I've had a couple of people ask what I need, we are registered both at Target and at Amazon. There are still a few things I would like to have that I will get a lot of use out of. I have looked back on my baby shower gifts from when I was younger and buying for others, and I shake my head at myself for buying onesies that read "Diaper loading... please wait" and making themed Christmas stockings instead of going to the registry and getting something practical and guaranteed usage. This makes it sound like I don't want or appreciate homemade gifts or humorous baby outfits, which isn't true. I'm thankful for ANYTHING somebody takes the time, money, and energy to give me out of the kindness of their hearts. As my anxiety increases and as my due date (less than a month away) draws nearer, however, I am definitely on the look-out for practical things like cloth diapers that I am simply running out of money to get myself... so basically, don't be afraid to get me what might seem boring!  Hopefully this paragraph doesn't leave people wanting to put a shoe up my seemingly ungrateful rear end. I always appreciate anything that anyone gives or does for me, including prayers and thoughts when you are not in a good place to give material possessions. :) As I mentioned earlier, I'm short on cash too. This is NOT a request to buy me stuff! This paragraph is included because I've been asked a few times about what I need.

Humor and Other Updates...

Normal sized bathroom stalls are becoming difficult to shut myself into. I should go from having an "innie" to an "outie" any day.  I have learned to use the bathroom every time I move somewhere else in the house and between meetings at church.

Really, there have been NO complications in this pregnancy. At every OB appointment my belly is measuring to the day, Squirmy's heart rate is right where it needs to be, and my blood pressure has been perfect. I'm still trying to exercise 4-6 times a week and split time fairly equally between cardio and Pilates. Anything I have to complain about is completely normal. One UTI, for example, has been addressed with anti-biotics. There are a couple of other common third trimester, TMI issues I'm coping with that are just not a big deal. Hunger and heartburn frequently coincide. Sleeping comfortably is becoming impossible, which means I sleep in ridiculously late. My feet swell if I'm on them too often, so I put them up regularly and use compression socks. I had a couple of weeks where I just felt really, really down, but I am feeling more like myself now. Everything seems to be going swimmingly. I'd much rather have these benign pregnancy symptom complaints than have complications... because if I'm doing well, that should mean Squirmy is doing well, too!

And here is a bump picture at 35 weeks and 5 days, garnished with a Sadie, our 80's curtain, and our fancy Dollar General Christmas tree that may not get ornamented this year. (I know, I should have turned to the side. Oops/duh. Next week!)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Baby Download [just about] 85% Complete

Tomorrow will be 34 weeks of pregnancy.

I'm pretty much convinced I have walking pneumonia because of the combination of misery and functionality I've endured for about a week now. Tomorrow after my OBGYN appointment I have an appointment with my general practitioner; we will see what he thinks.

At my OBGYN appointment I am thinking I won't be looking at the scale when they weigh me. These numbers get in my head and upset me. Hopefully my doctor won't come in and say "well you've gained X pounds..." Meh.

I have completely dropped the exercise this week as well because I feel so run down with a cough, sore throat, and nasty sinus drainage. That, combined with the many hours of sleep I seem to require lately, isn't helping my mood much-- by the time I'm up for the day the sun is going down soon.

However, I have gotten some sewing projects done -- three Boppy pillow slip covers, which required the mastery of sewing a zipper. So at least I accomplished that. Last night I started a nursing cover which I intended to finish today, but didn't because I don't feel like doing much more than sitting in the recliner wasting time on the Internet.

For a brief period today I had the edge of my laptop resting on my belly, and the screen kept bouncing because of how much Squirmy was moving. Much of the day my belly has been bumping around... at least one of us is feeling energetic!